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NO.TitlePublish Date
1How to apply for adoption for public sidewalks?2024-05-16
2What are the qualifications required for application specified in “the Regulations for Management of Open-Air Cafe Installations in Taipei City”?2024-05-16
3What are the relevant fees to be paid when the applicant installs an open-air cafe on a sidewalk in Taipei City, and how to calculate them?2024-05-16
4Why don't all the arcade buildings with different height set to the same level?2024-05-16
5What are the regulations of the facilities near open-air cafes within the range of license permission?2024-05-16
6Where the applicant cannot install open-air cafes?2024-05-16
7What is the contract duration of the usage license for installing open-air cafes?2024-05-16
8What is the required passage space for pedestrians when open-air cafes are installed on a sidewalk?2024-05-16
9How do we apply for leveling the arcade in front of our buildings? How does the process work?2023-06-21
10What are the stipulations governing the reduction and exemption of the fee-charging for usage of urban road?2022-06-10
11What is the timing for collection of charge on use of urban roads?2022-06-10
12What are the date of issuance and effective date of the charging standard on use of urban roads?2022-06-10
13Who do I have to talk to when I found a damaged roadside ditch cover?2016-04-21
14What is the area for installing open-air cafes under “the Regulations for Management of Open-Air Cafe Installations in Taipei City”?2014-05-16
15What is the competent authority of “the Regulations for Management of Open-Air Cafe Installations in Taipei City”?2014-05-16
16How to apply for setting up an advertisement on pedestrian overpass?2014-04-22
17How should I apply for building advertising signs or banners on the pedestrian overpass ?2013-06-19
18Which department is in charge of the arcade leveling project?2013-04-23
19After the roads are developed at the owners’ expenses, who will take over the maintenance works therefor and what are right rights and interests of private and’s owner?2011-04-13
20How to plan, design and construct the road alignment under Taipei Urban Plan? What is the operation process flow?2010-04-26